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Showing posts from June, 2015

Everyday Heroes

Yesterday, I conducted a training for a corporate's CSR programme. I am generally sceptical about CSR programmes, but this one, inspires me at several levels. The programme aims to engage employees in their CSR activity and again I think that is a bold aim because employees sometimes do not want to (nor have the time to) do anything other than their jobs. There are some gems though, among the employees, whose eyes light up at the sound of getting involved in 'good' work. This, lights my soul. When I told the 'trainees' that "our stories make us who we are" and asked them to share some of their most defining life experiences that a quote reminds them, many of them began sharing. Two stories stand out and I am going to share them here. These are personal stories, not confidential ones. Forgiveness and Judgement One of the employees was a naval officer prior to joining this organisation. A few years ago he was on a small vessal and his job was to watch...