I have realized that I love travel. I especially enjoy journeys. They are the truest free moments of one's life. One is right in the middle of two places- the one you have left behind and the one you are supposed to be at. There is no place you are supposed to be. Road, rail, flight- I enjoy all of them. I have been taking the chance and travelling at every opportunity I get, here in Malaysia. The first few weeks, every place I went to was new and thereafter, I deliberately made plans to visit new places. The Bird Park at KL, the Museum, Sky bars (that deserves a long post by itself) and later on Malacca, Ipoh, Gemas and my latest was Penang. I have been to Penang before hence Penang is the first foreign place that I have visited twice. (Woohoo!) With my travel buddy Jimena, I have been discovering and learning. My trip to Penang, a few days ago has to be one of the best trips of my life. I rediscovered Martin, my guardian angel. Thanks also to Jimena. ...